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1The first Abbasid caliph was Abu'l-Abbas, who claimed descent from Abbas, the uncle of Muhammed.
2Arabian civilization, for about four centuries under the Ommiad and Abbasid caliphs, far surpassed anything to be found in western Europe.
3The town and the coast of Mauritania were then ruled by the Fatimites, a dynasty independent of the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad.
4He acknowledged the paramount authority of the Abbasid caliph, Muti, and that potentate recognised his supreme power in the kingdom of Egypt.
5The replacement of the Umayyad by the Abbasid caliphs and the shift from Damascus to Baghdad marked a rejection of these influences.
6The Abbasid caliphs who had supported the Mutazilah found that they could not impose its doctrines on the faithful because they did not 'take'.
7When the Abbasid caliphs began to encourage conversion, many of the Semitic and Aryan peoples in their empire were eager to accept the new religion.
Translations for abbasid caliph